Wednesday 8 October 2008

NEW PLAN! (again...)

Ok so basically I've changed my whole plan.

I'd planned to do a documentary on mental health. But it was really just not happening. I didn't have a subject to focus on, and then subject of mental health is really broad and I didn't have any specific ideas, I kept thinking I could come up with it later...

So I'm now going to do a documentary on my dads band.

I think this is a better choice because 1. it means that I have an actual subject, and people to focus on, 2. it's less serious, I think that mental health was maybe too serious and sensitive for me to have been successful with it, and 3. this idea isn't stressing me out like the old one was...

So now I'm redoing my audience research to include some more specific questions on my new subject (music...)
But most of my institutional research can stay the same because I did most of my research on Channel 4 and a production company called Betty TV, which is still valid with my new plan!

1 comment:

Ms D'Silva-Collins said...

What specifically is your new plan then and how does your institutional research fit in with this? What exactly are you planning a doc on your Dad's band, what type of doc? A little more information would be useful