Thursday 20 November 2008


Last night I went to do my filming for my documentary.
I used two cameras, and two tapes so I now have 2 hours of film...

The main things which I filmed were interviews of the band, and the band rehearsing.
I also filmed some of the street outside, and an alley way leading up to the rehearsal studio which was covered in graffiti.

During filming I found out that documentaries can't be planned at all (well the plans can't be relied on) because it relies so much on the events at the time.

For example, having never met the band a as a whole before, I had planned to interview all the members seperately, and make the main focus of the documentary the interviews, with small intercutting of the rehearsing scenes.
However, when I went to film I found that the band interracting much better all together, so I ended up filming them all together... This was a good change because it allowed a bit of humour from the band members, however it also means that I might now have to change the focus of my documentary from interview- based, to an even mix of rehearsing/ interview because the same 4 people talking for 3-5 minutes almost continuously might get boring...


Before I began filming, I finished my planning, and made storyboards for my documentary.
I also tried to look for a song which I could use on/off throughout my documentary.
But during this planning I found out that trying to plan every single detail wasn't going to work because I didn't know what the participants of my documentary would say.

The people in my documentary are the members of my dad's band (which is called "The Bottle Brunettes") Originally I thought that there woulod be 3 members of the band, so my plans and storyboards and planning for 3 people. But then I found out that they got a new member of the band so thought I might need to re-do my plans... but then I didn't because i knew that my new plans might need to change as well.
The three members of the band who I'd planned for are- Rachel (who played a guitar) Stephen (my dad- who played the drums) and Paul (who calls himself Poncho and did singing)
There is also now a new member called Innigo who played the bass.